The Worst Kind of Halo Player!

Well I just had a couple of quick games of Halo 3 Multiplayer this morning, nothing like a bit of Team Sniper action and in my first match I encountered something which I had never seen before. 2 guys on my own team shooting at me and the other guy on our team, not only were we badly outclassed against the other team when you have your own guys who are equally as good as you shooting you and telling you how crap you are, you have to wonder what the hell is going through their tiny minds.

But that’s probably the point, tiny minds = not a lot of space to have much going on. Needless to say after the match I gave negative feedback against the first guy so I would avoid him in the future and while doing so the second guy thought he’d be “smart” and message me vis Xbox Live “YOU F***ING SUCK”, needless to say it’s amazing how quick you can file a complaint against someone. Let’s see what happens though, those 2 are exactly the kinds of players we don’t need so I hope they get banned but somehow I doubt anything will happen at all. Thoughts?

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